Friday, March 12, 2010

Men and Their Insecurities

To All God's Children,

-->The ones who are exceptionally insecure about their masculinity are incredibly narcissistic, are demeaning to women, and have self-esteem issues. I can speak from experience because I have a friend with a gay brother and he’s the “Golden Child” for his parents so they treat him like he’s made of gold. He’s incredibly pampered and I think some of his mannerisms are mistaken for being homosexual. I could imagine why he would have a complex though considering his brother is gay and according to him the family “f--k up” which I assume he doesn’t want to be.
I think men are more likely to be insecure about appearing gay. The ones who struggle with it become narcissistic trying to find evidence for why they are better than women or just different trying to improve their unstable self-esteem. Also, if you have low self-esteem and you think other people don’t like you according to self-fulfilling prophecy you will unleash bad attitudes and treatment from other people unto you. It’s funny that “men rule the world” and “men don’t cry” and all this BS about men being so much better than women over the ages. They turned us into whores and sex toys or housewives and basically slaves or emotional drama queens throwing the free thinking ones in insane asylums. After all that misogyny and men are the ones with the mental complex. They are afraid of another man getting to close behind them because they’re worried their sexual orientation will be compromised. It’s pathetic. That’s why God gave us the pain of childbirth because we’re tougher.
In my opinion, narcissism creates solipsism where the person thinks that others are an extension of their mind. A person did not exist until he (the solipsistic male) met her. It’s like Mark Twain and his family; whenever he came home, the wife and children all had to centered their lives and conversation around him. He is free to say and do what he wants to her because she is an extension of his mind and not a real person. The social roles of women have unfortunately adapted this narcissistic or solipsistic stance. Not only in the personal life (women are whores, wives or dykes if they don’t want men), but women are extension of males also in the workforce (women are nurses for doctors or secretary for a CEO). There are more women in the workforce than men. Great, that’s all we need. Historically and even now they rape, kill, abuse and virtually enslave us and now they want to stay at home with the kids. Men are still in higher leading positions while women toll away and bear the bunt of the work.
In this society with its stringent sex roles, I would say women are freer in terms of self-expression. Women can dress how they want, dance how they want and wear their hair however they want. It’s men who are trapped mentally and it may even be a jealousy of the “masculine” male that would drive one to mistreat a woman. I admire the men who come out of the closet but not just with sexual orientation, but the one’s who are willing to wear whatever and be whomever they want without degrading women. That’s freedom.

Peace be with you

Angels Book Series by D. C. Cowan